Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sp SeTia Good PerFormaNce

is has been nearly a week pass and thats a memorable performance.. is really nice.. i really love the performance that are being organized by SP setia this year. Guang Liang performance is very good as he not only sang a few song but he sang many many many many song and his performance was really GREAT!!!!


- Kwang Liang Singing Toong Hua-

He sang many many many songs from his nice nice songs..Fairy Tale, Yuet Ting, Bu Hui Fen Li and more... is lovely song...nad also his old song and many of his new song.. i try see i am able to upload not.. cause i wanted upload de videos on the performance but fail.. :(..

i really love his performance and other performance organized by SP seTia.. dere are seats fr us to sit as well.. as having to see de fire works as well. i really love it.. jus can share few pictures i shot and video on fire works

IMG_1789 IMG_1787IMG_1786 IMG_1781

- The FireWOrKS in SP SeTia-


- Nice Fire WorKs

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