Tips to save some money:
- Sleep on it! If you really want something, sleep on it for a night. You may find it doesn’t seem as attractive the next day!
- Focus on your debt/savings. Work out how much longer it will take you to pay off your debt or increase your savings if you give in.
- Go food shopping just once a month & plan, plan, plan! Set a budget, write a food plan and take a calculator with you when you go food shopping. And never go when hungry, it’s too tempting to overbuy. By going just once a month you’ll be less likely to buy on impulse and for convenience.
- Leave debit/credit cards at home. Only take the cash you absolutely need with you and don’t have a cash card with you to take extra out of the hole in the wall. That way, however tempted you are, you have to walk away in the end.
- Avoid temptation! Don’t go shopping. If you don’t go to the shops, you can’t be lured by nice things. Stay at home – simple as that! If you like to while away your leisure time by going shopping, do something else instead!
- For every new thing you buy, try to get rid of an old thing. If you really want to buy something new, see if you can sell something you don’t use any more to cover the cost.
- Make a list and stick to it. Always make a shopping list before you head to the store.
- Try online shopping. If you can’t stick to a shopping list, try ordering your shopping online. It’s easier to stick to a budget as you get a running total plus you won’t be tempted by the sights and sounds in the shop!
- Pay yourself pocket money. Set up another account for bills and use this to make sure all your bills are paid. With the money left over you can pay yourself a set amount which is yours to spend as you like.
- Collect your spare change. Stick loose change in a savings jar. You’ll be less likely to break a note to spend and once the change has built up, pay it into your account or off a credit card.
- Take a packed lunch to work – keeps you out of harm’s way. It’s an old one but a good one, making a packed lunch doesn’t just stop you being tempted by expensive sandwich shops, it also keeps you from the pub or easy trips out with friends where money flows out.
- will this work fr me... em.. I think i should start dem.. :P
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