Monday, January 28, 2008


Released on 7th Feb 2008.. a new movie staring Taiwan hot stae Jay Chou and Pop duo Twins- AH SA.. in this new movie.. Shi-Jie (Jay Chou), grew up in a Martial Arts School. Hence he is well verse in Marital Arts especially Kung-fu. With his Kung-fu skills and his good reflex, Shi-Jie excels in basketball by mastering the slam dunk skill. On the pretext of helping Shi-Jie find his family, Wang-Li (Eric Tsang) invited him to join a university’s basketball team in hopes of making money of it.

There Shi-Jie faces new challenges by finding his place on the basketball team with team mates Ting-Wei (Bo-Lin Chen) and Xiao-Lan (Baron Chen).

With upcoming Basketball championship games and appearance of Li-Li (Charlene Choi), will the team be able to put aside their difference and personal emotions for the love of the game.

Cant wait to watch dem :)

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